by jimliske | Oct 21, 2019 | Opinion
Some would call it a dream. Others would declare it impossible. Many are not even thinking about it. Jesus? He prayed for it. It was part of His last and most fervent petition. When he was facing certain death, when his own life was about to be taken in the most...
by jimliske | Aug 9, 2019 | Opinion
Rev. Jim...
by jimliske | Jul 16, 2019 | Opinion
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’...
by jimliske | Jul 6, 2019 | Opinion
I’m on my way to London to meet with Christ-like leaders from around the world. We come from a variety of circumstances and social situations. Our countries of origin travel the spectrum from developed to developing to impoverished. Our government situations range...
by jimliske | Jun 27, 2019 | Opinion
Croosroads Prision Ministries. Do you struggle explaining to friends and family why prison ministry is so important? In this short video, Jim Liske, board chairman for Crossroads, explains why the Church should be on the front lines of caring and advocating for...