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Good News About Prodigal Fathers

Fatherlessness is a plague on all our houses but there’s some surprisingly good news. Any child can have a good dad, and all the developmental benefits that come along with one. Building better fathers is the low-hanging fruit of community restoration....

Justice for All

16 years ago next week, the nation watched as media reported the tragic event known as the Columbine Shooting. Two teenagers’ violent plan resulted in the terrifying death of 13 students and school staff and the injuries of 23 others.  Two individuals broke...

Peace on Earth: A Call to Our Communities

At Christmas, despite the enmities and divisions crisscrossing our communities, we dream of the prospect of peace on earth. But as the 100th anniversary of an unlikely truce reminds us, peace isn’t something we wish for or a slogan for a holiday card; it’s something...

Restoring Dignity to Criminal Justice

When he signed the 1994 Crime Bill, then-President Bill Clinton called it the  “toughest and smartest crime bill in our history.” Since then, the violent crime rate has dropped, but it’s not clear that the Crime Bill is responsible. A number of changes —...

When “Mom” Is Behind Bars

As we celebrate mothers in May, it pains me to remember that women are the fastest-growing group of incarcerated parents. Mothers of Bedford, a new, award-winning documentary in PBS’s America Reframed series, explores the nuances of this difficult situation affecting...

The 50-Billion-Dollar Question

“Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.“ These words, attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes, are carved on the outside of the IRS building in Washington, D.C. According to an analysis of Department of Commerce data, in one recent year, federal, state and local...