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Consulting that guides you to to optimally serve Jesus in your space


Together, we identify your passions in order to best serve and promote Jesus in your corner of the world. God wants you to play to your strengths– let’s uncover your gifts and vision!

What are you doing?

God gives us each unique gifting to serve His Kingdom. How are you and your teams gifted, and what is the unifying work being done?

Where do you do it?

Pursuing others for God looks different for everywhere, for everyone. Where are you most effective? 


How do you do it?

The work we do can and should honor God. What are the tangible ways you can carry out your passions through your job? What does your team look like?

Why do you do it?

Jesus taught and prayed for us to be unified in the proclaiming and practicing of the Good News. How can we tie these principles to who you are reaching in your job?


Blog and Media

Restoring Dignity to Criminal Justice

When he signed the 1994 Crime Bill, then-President Bill Clinton called it the  “toughest and smartest crime bill in our history.” Since then, the violent crime rate has dropped, but it’s not clear that the Crime Bill is responsible. A number of changes —...

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When “Mom” Is Behind Bars

As we celebrate mothers in May, it pains me to remember that women are the fastest-growing group of incarcerated parents. Mothers of Bedford, a new, award-winning documentary in PBS’s America Reframed series, explores the nuances of this difficult situation affecting...

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The 50-Billion-Dollar Question

“Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.“ These words, attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes, are carved on the outside of the IRS building in Washington, D.C. According to an analysis of Department of Commerce data, in one recent year, federal, state and local...

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There is brokenness all over our world. We can all play a part in serving our communities through our love for God and our expertise. When a unified Church, the leadership of Commerce, and all agencies of a community – schools, government, and law enforcement – join in fixing the problems, spiritual and social justice is experienced. Everyone Flourishes and moves to achieve their potential together.

What part of the puzzle of restoration can you be a part of? Let’s find out, together.

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If you have any questions or want more information, write us now and let us know how we can help you.

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